Science Fact or Cinematic Fiction? in "Serenity"
I. Introduction – The First Chase Scene
• a. Law of Acceleration unrealistic between the two hover crafts
• b. Law of Inertia inaccurate when the hover craft spins around
• c. Action reaction principle is not represented correctly in the ship’s hanger
• d. Thesis statement
II. Law of Acceleration unrealistic between the two hover crafts
• a. The two crafts move at the same speed but one appears to be capable of moving faster than the other
• b. The Reaver ship is more powerful and advance but it can’t catch up to the hover craft
• i. The Reaver ship catches up to them at a superior speed initially but can’t seem to go any faster once their near the hover craft
• ii. One of the main characters is harpooned by the Reaver ship but they are unable to slow the hover craft down with their mass
III. Law of Inertia inaccurate when the hover crafts spins around
• a. The hover craft spins out but the passengers hardly move in their seats.
• i. Law of Inertia should have caused them to be practically thrown from their seats without seat belts
IV. Action reaction principle is not represented correctly in the ship’s hanger
• a. The hover craft heads into the ship hanger at full speed while the ship slows in toward the hover craft
• i. The hover craft does not crash significantly in comparison to its speed and the motion of the ship.
• b. The passengers are not thrown forward by the impact
• i. Some of the passengers have enough time to get out of the car before the second ship goes into the hanger even though the second ship was only a few feet behind them
V. Conclusion
• a. Summary
• b. Restate thesis